Qualifications that can help you find a job in Korea. Welcome to a friend who hopes to find a job in Korea. Preparing for a job is not an easy task. To get a job, you need a lot of things, such as experience, competencies, and work skills. In particular, if you want to find a job in a highly competitive company, you must meet many conditions to apply. Among them, skill and experience are very important! It is the certification that can prove one’s skills, experience, etc.! Then, I will introduce you to the following which certification is good to get.
Qualifications that can help you find a job in Korea

Sites related to certification
There is a site called ‘Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry Qualification Evaluation Group’. There, there are test schedules for various qualifications, test registration, printing of admission tickets and pass confirmation, and test taker guides. Sign up as a member, find the test you want to take, and apply. This is a site where you can check test program changes or information. You can think of it like a topic site when registering for a topic test. However, there are many types of licenses, so it can be a bit complicated for foreigners, but you can find it well. You can also search past exam questions on the site, which can help you prepare for the exam. Useful site examples! Let’s take a look~.
Computer literacy certificate
It’s one of the most popular qualifications in Korea. It’s almost basic, and it’s used as a graduation condition for many departments. The exam is divided into Level 1 and Level 2. Level 1 is more difficult than Level 2. In other words, level 1 is better than level 2. The test is divided into written (multiple choice) and practical (computer work), and you must pass the written test to take the practical test!. The passing standard is 40 points or more out of 100 points for each subject in the case of Level 2, an average of 60 points or more, and 70 points or more out of 100 points for practical skills. Level 1 has the same handwriting as Gold 2, and practical skills pass when two subjects score 70 points or more out of 100 points in each subject!. The test time is 40 minutes for both written and practical skills for the 2nd class, and 60 minutes for practical skills and 90 minutes for practical skills for Level 1! In the written test, the computer general and spreadsheet are taken in common, and the first grade additionally takes a database test. Computer General is a memorization course that deals with computer history, devices, and functions of Microsoft Windows, spreadsheets are related to Microsoft Excel, and databases are related to Microsoft Access.
MOS Certification
It is an international qualification test that measures the ability to use Microsoft Office. It is a qualification that is applied in many countries besides Korea, so you can use it a lot. As of January 2023, you can take the MOS 2016 in Korea. As a test program, of course, I only use Office for Microsoft Windows. In the case of MOS 2016, the exam is a total of 5 subjects, the compulsory subjects are Word (Advanced Expert), Excel (Advanced Expert), and PowerPoint, and you can choose either Access or Outlook as an optional subject!. You don’t have to get all of these to get a certificate, but if you look at the subject you want, you get a certificate for that subject. Match the version to the same one (eg 2016) If you pick one of Word Expert, Excel Expert, PowerPoint, and Access/Outlook, a total of four will automatically Give me a Master’s license!!.
ITQ certification used more in Korea than MOS
The ITQ certification is a higher level certification than the MOS certification. As my friends living in Korea know, Koreans use Hangeul and Hangul Office more than Word. The ITQ certification is a certification that includes Hangul Office and Microsoft Office. So it will be more difficult to pick up haha. However, having this qualification can really help you a lot. Subjects include word processors (MS Word, Hancom Hangul), presentations (MS PowerPoint, Hancom Hanshow), spreadsheets (MS Excel, Hancom Hancell), databases (MS Access), and the Internet. As for the test time, each subject is given 60 minutes. lose The score is out of 500 points, and for each subject, when scoring 80% (400 points) or more, 60% (300 points) or more, and 40% (200 points) or more, grades A, B, and C are given, respectively. If you have 3 or more graded subjects, you will receive a nationally recognized OA Master certificate. This is issued in the form of a certificate, and certificates for each subject in the form of a card come out even if you get a C grade!.
The above are basic qualifications, and useful qualifications in almost all fields!. If you have a license when applying, your competitiveness will be strengthened and it will be better. It would be nice to find friends who are going to get a job in Korea, and prepare a certificate if you do!