5 apps that are essential in Korea : There can be a lot of uncomfortable things when you live in a foreign country at first. But I need to adjust quickly and have a fun study abroad. So this time, I’ll introduce you to five apps that will help you!!

The first 5 apps essential Korea [Kakao Map]!!
You can set it in English other than Korean on the app!! You can see the arrival time of the train, transfer walking time, and how many minutes you have to walk from the exit to the destination by looking at the Kakao Map!! And personally, I think the biggest help is that I can get the train door number where I can get off quickly!
Introduction of key functions
Share Talk Friend Location
A function that allows you to share and check the current location, real-time location for a certain period of time, and destination movement path with Kakao Talk friends on Kakao Map.
Theme map
It makes place data into content and provides it with a good look good.
an ultra-precise bus
Originally, it was provided only in Jeju Island, but now it is expanded to provide Jeju, Seogwipo, Chuncheon, Ulsan, Mokpo, Busan, and Gwangju. A real-time service that shows the bus icon moving on the map and the current location and approximate speed of the bus every 10 seconds.

Second 5 apps essential Korea [Kakao Talk]!!
Kakao Talk is a must to contact Korean people! Of course, there are people who texted me, but most of them contact me through Kakao Talk, and sometimes when I sign up for a Korean site, it’s faster and more convenient to sign up with Kakao Talk!! And if you have a variety of emoticons on Kakao Talk and want to use 500,000 emoticons without limit, sign up for Emoji Plus and it’s 6,900 won per month!

Third 5 apps essential Korea [Kakao Pay]!!
Kakao Pay can be connected to Kakao Talk! If you connect, you can get money or money from friends added to Kakao Talk! When you go to eat with your friends, you can pay with Kakao Pay and send money! It’s a very useful app for n-bang. Hahaha
Not only this, but you can also use it for shopping. If there is a sign that Kakao Pay is available at stores such as E-Mart or Olive Young, you can pay with Kakao Pay right away! Sometimes you can get a discount or more points if you pay with Kakao Pay!!
Installation method
- Download KakaoTalk or Kakao Pay from Google Play or App Store.
- After running Kakao Talk, enter the menu of ‘Menu button (····· button) → Kakao Pay’.
- Register your credit card or bank account with your authentication and set your password.
- When Kakao Pay transfers 1 won to the account, the connection is completed by checking the name of the depositor and entering it.
- After completing the above process 2~4 in Kakao Talk
- Download the Kakao Pay app from Google Play or the App Store.
- After running the app, log in with your Kakao Talk account to get the previously set Kakao Pay information.
- It’s done. (However, please give camera permission to use QR payment.)
Since October 2022, Kakao Pay has been available in Japan as the resumption of visa-free travel to Japan and the exemption from quarantine have been realized.

Fourth 5 apps essential Korea [CASHMALLOW]!!
In order to live abroad, we need to pay living expenses, tuition, and spend a lot of money, but it’s very annoying to look for ATM every time. CASHMALOW is money GET!✅ You need to authenticate yourself when you sign up for membership, and you can use it right away without authentication after that if you submit the necessary documents just once! You can check the exchange rate in real time and receive the deposit in 30 minutes during normal business hours! The fee is about 1,600 won every time, but it’s very comfortable and cheap!!

Fifth 5 apps essential Korea [The Health Insurance]
All of our international students need to get national insuranceYou can check the deadline and amount of insurance payment on the app. And you can get a medical checkup for free, but if you’re the target, you can use the app to check if you’re the target, and if you’re the target, you can find the examination institution right away and make a reservation! You can also see the examination results on the app.